At the boundary of our world and the digital is the battle station, the computer, the juncture at which we can abandon our terrestrial surroundings for the near limitless expanse of the internet. However, parallel to the technological advancement that made high speed, high definition personal computers a reality was the exhaustion of both material resources and opportunities afforded to people in the real world for personal validation. In response to this absence of agency in the real world, many people have retreated into digital environments where simulations of autonomy are more readily accessible.
As life spent primarily online becomes more normalized, examining the living conditions of people deemed “terminally online” may be useful. Display of Commodity Accessories (Zack’s Room) reckons with the phenomenon of being terminally online in as real a context as possible, by constructing a facsimile of a living situation inspired by photos of battle stations found online, in an attempt to provide the audience with an experience of the material circumstances of people they might not otherwise encounter in a physiological or empathically stimulating situation.